‘Chanhudaro’ was famous for

‘Chanhudaro’ was famous for
| ‘Chanhudaro’ was famous for

A. Ship building

B. Textile

C. Craft

D. All of the above

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


The correct answer is Craft.

  • Chanhudaro is a Harappan site.
  • It is a tiny settlement (less than 7 hectares) as compared to other Harappan sites such as Mohenjodaro (125 hectares).
  • The site is almost exclusively devoted to craft production, including bead-making, shell-cutting, metal-working, seal-making and weight-making.
  • The variety of materials used to make beads is remarkable: stones like carnelian (of a beautiful red colour), jasper, crystal, quartz and steatite; metals like copper, bronze and gold; and shell, faience, and terracotta or burnt clay.
  • Some beads were made of two or more stones, cemented together, some of stone with gold caps. The shapes were numerous – disc-shaped, cylindrical, spherical, barrel-shaped, segmented. Some were decorated by incising or painting, and some had designs etched onto them.
  • Specialized drills have been found at Chanhudaro.
  • Thus, according to the above explanation, Craft will be the correct answer.

Harappan Civilization map: