Label the parts of the typical flower 1- Petal 2- Sepal

Label the parts of the typical flower 1- Petal 2- Sepal
| Label the parts of the typical flower.

A. 1- Petal, 2- Sepal, 3- Anther, 4-Filament, 5-Style, 6-Stigma, 7- Ovary, 8-Thalamus

B. 1-Thalamus, 2- Filament  3- Sepal, 4- Anther, 5-Petal, 6-Style, 7-Stigma, 8- Ovary,

C. 1- Ovary 2- Filament  3- Sepal, 4- Anther, 5-Petal, 6-Style, 7-Stigma, 8- Thalamus

D. 1- Thalamus, 2- Sepal,  3-Filament, 4- Anther, 5-Petal, 6-Stigma, 7-Style, 8- Ovary

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D


1- Thalamus is green in colour and has a slightly swollen head. It is the seat on which the parts of a flower are present.
2- Sepals are leaf like green coloured structures. All sepals are collectively called calyx. It protects the flower in the bud stage.
3- Filament is the stalk of the stamen.
4- Anther is a part of stamen. It contains pollen grains.
5- Petals are colourful structures just above the sepals and are collectively called corolla.
6- Stigma is the top receptive part of the pistil in which the pollen lands.
7- Style is the middle elongated part of the pistil. It connects stigma to ovary.
8- Ovary is a bulb like structure at the base of style which contains ovules. It is the site of fertilisation.