The mathematical model of an analogous electrical system for the

The mathematical model of an analogous electrical system for the

The mathematical model of an analogous electrical system for the following mechanical system using the force-current analogy is (i – current, v – voltage, L – Inductance, C – Capacitance)

A. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{1}{{{C_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{i_y} - {i_x}} \right)dt = {L_{M2}}\frac{{d{i_x}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{C_{K2}}}}\smallint {i_x}dt,\;{v_F}\left( t \right) = {L_{M1}}\frac{{d{i_y}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{C_{K3}}}}\smallint {i_y}dt + \frac{1}{{{C_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{i_y} - {i_x}} \right)dt\)</span>

B. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{1}{{{L_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{i_y} - {i_x}} \right)dt = {L_{M2}}\frac{{d{i_x}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{L_{K2}}}}\smallint {i_x}dt,\;{v_F}\left( t \right) = {L_{M1}}\frac{{d{i_y}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{L_{K3}}}}\smallint {i_y}dt + \frac{1}{{{L_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{i_y} - {i_x}} \right)dt\)</span>

C. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{1}{{{C_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{v_y} - {v_x}} \right)dt = {L_{M2}}\frac{{d{v_x}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{C_{K2}}}}\smallint {v_x}dt,\;{i_F}\left( t \right) = {L_{M1}}\frac{{d{v_y}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{C_{K3}}}}\smallint {v_y}dt + \frac{1}{{{C_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{v_y} - {v_x}} \right)dt\)</span>

D. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{1}{{{L_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{v_y} - {v_x}} \right)dt = {C_{M2}}\frac{{d{v_x}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{L_{K2}}}}\smallint {v_x}dt,\;{i_F}\left( t \right) = {C_{M1}}\frac{{d{v_y}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{L_{K3}}}}\smallint {v_y}dt + \frac{1}{{{L_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{v_y} - {v_x}} \right)dt\)</span>

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D


Mathematical model:

A mathematical model of a dynamic system is defined as a set of differential equations that represent the dynamics of the system accurately.

A mathematical model is not unique to a given system.

A system may be represented in many different ways. Therefore it may have many mathematical models 


The given model is

The differential equations are

\(F\left( t \right) = {M_1}\frac{{dy\left( t \right)}}{{dt}} + {K_1}\smallint \left( {y\left( t \right) - x\left( t \right)} \right)dt + {K_3}\smallint y\left( t \right)dt \ldots \ldots \ldots .\;\left( 1 \right)\)

\({M_2}\frac{{dx\left( t \right)}}{{dt}} + {K_2}\smallint x\left( t \right)dt + {K_1}\smallint \left( {x\left( t \right) - y\left( t \right)} \right)dt = 0\)

\({M_2}\frac{{dx\left( t \right)}}{{dt}} + {K_2}\smallint x\left( t \right)dt = {K_1}\smallint \left( {y\left( t \right) - x\left( t \right)} \right)dt \ldots \ldots \ldots .\left( 2 \right)\)

The mathematical model for various systems is given in the below tabular form.

Mechanical translational system

Mechanical rotational system

Current Analogous system

Voltage Analogous system

F (Force)

T (Torque)

I (current)

V (Voltage)

M (Mass)

J (Inertia)

C (Capacitance)

L (Inductance)

B (Friction constant)



R (Resistance)

K (Spring constant)




x(t) (Velocity)





Force- Current Analogy:

Compare the elements in the above table

Substitute them in the differential equations (1) and (2).

\({i_F}\left( t \right) = {C_{M1}}\frac{{d{v_y}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{L_{K3}}}}\smallint {v_y}dt + \frac{1}{{{L_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{v_y} - {v_x}} \right)dt\)

\(\frac{1}{{{L_{K1}}}}\smallint \left( {{v_y} - {v_x}} \right)dt = {C_{M2}}\frac{{d{v_x}}}{{dt}} + \frac{1}{{{L_{K2}}}}\smallint {v_x}dt\;\)