Two friends Nitin and Mukesh decided to travel 675 km till point

Direction: Study the given line graph and pie chart carefully and answer the following questions accordingly.

Line graph shows the speeds (in km/h) of five different ships in a river and the speed of the water (in km/h) and pie chart shows the percentage of distance (in %) travelled by all the five ships

Note: The total distance is 3000 km.

Question 1: Two friends Nitin and Mukesh decided to travel 675 km till point P in downstream. Nitin is on ship B and Mukesh is on ship D. After 510 km, Mukesh’s ship broke down but immediately he got help from Neil, who is travelling in the same direction as Mukesh and is on Ship E. Time taken by Nitin to reach point P is _______ hours less than the time taken by Mukesh to reach on point P.

A. 1.84 hours

B. 1.2 hours

C. 0.7 hours

D. 0.82 hours

E. 0.94 hours

Right Answer is: E


Time taken by Nitin (using ship B) = 675/(39 + 15) = 675/54 = 12.5 hour

Time taken by Mukesh (using Ship D + Ship E) = 510/(31 + 19.5) + 165/(36 + 12)= 10 + 3.437
= 13.44 hours

∴ Required difference = 13.44 - 12.5 = 0.94 hours