What was country's idea about Economic Partnership?

Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. 

If the world is different today, we need to think, talk and engage accordingly. Falling back is unlikely to help, he said adding “purposeful pursuit of national interest is shifting global dynamics”. Highlighting India’s new approach in dealing with terrorism he compared “lack of response to the terror attack in Mumbai in comparison to the way the country responded to the Uri and Pulwama strikes. On India walking away from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the external affair minister said no agreement was better than having a bad agreement.

Giving a historical perspective to geopolitical issues, Jai-Shankar said “For years India’s position on the world state seemed assured but the 1962 conflict with China significantly damaged India’s standing.

Question 1: What was country's idea about Economic Partnership?

A. All Agreements are good

B. Agreements are superior than country

C. Nothing wrong with saying no to unfavourable agreement than having an awful agreement

D. Say yes to all agreement

Right Answer is: C


The correct answer is Nothing wrong with saying no to unfavourable agreement than having an awful agreement

  • From the line given in the passage: On India walking away from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the external affair minister said no agreement was better than having a bad agreement.
  • Thus, the reason for walking away from Economical partnership is to avoid unfavourable agreement than having an awful agreement